
Allen University

About this Organization

Allen University is a Christian Liberal Arts institution whose purpose is to prepare leaders who are skilled in communication, critical thinking, and who demonstrate high moral character. Our aim is to provide an environment of academic excellence in order to heighten our student's chances of succeeding in a culturally diverse and economically global world. Allen University desires to follow a Total Life Curriculum model, which addresses preparation of the whole person for life service.

We seek to develop the intellect, the spirit and the body as we bring our students into a climate designed for success. Successful development of each student is our goal. Allen believes that faith plays a major role in developing one's character. Therefore, our curriculum includes principles and practices of the historical beliefs of the African Methodist Episcopal Church.

Allen University offers a comprehensive array of degree programs and concentrations. Five divisions offering eight majors and twenty-two concentrations/minors demonstrate there is almost no limit to what you can learn here.

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