
Calhoun County First Steps

About this Organization

OUR IMPACT: 359 children and adults were served by Calhoun First Steps in 2022-2023 through one or more of our programs: PARENTS AS TEACHERS (PAT): a home visiting program designed to build strong communities, thriving families and children who are healthy, safe and ready to succeed. PAT services include (1) Personal visits from a parents educator at least twice monthly, (2) Monthly group connections with PAT families, (3) Screenings and assessments to identify developmental concerns; (4) Connections to outside resources that families may need to succeed. IMAGINATION LIBRARY - As the local affiliate of Dolly Parton's Imagination Library, we provide free, high-quality books to children from birth until age five, no matter their family's income. Children enrolled in our Imagination Library program receive one book per month by mail. Each title is selected by a panel of early childhood literacy experts, who are responsible for choosing books that meet the age-specific developmental needs of young children. In 2022-2023, 2,274 books were distributed. COUINTDOWN TO KINDERGARTEN: Developed by South Carolina First Steps and identified as a promising state practice by the National Governor's Association in 2005, Countdown to Kindergarten (CTK) is a home visitation program pairing the families of rising kindergartners with their future teachers during the summer before school entry. Teachers complete six visits with each family, establishing strong connections during the summer that facilitate classroom learning throughout the year.

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