
Friends of Congaree Swamp

About this Organization

Friends of Congaree Swamp advocates for Congaree National Park and its watersheds. We share information about interpretation, research and education through newsletters and social media, promote the park's natural history and cultural history through books, maps, trail guides, online journals and albums. Friends also promotes the park through awards nominations for the park itself, and some of its greatest natural resources--its champion trees. On an annual basis, Friends of Congaree Swamp hosts interpretive events at the park featuring birding, geology, big trees, botany, ethnobotany, aquatic life, butterflies and cultural sites. We also assist with service activities including trail-clearings, litter pick-ups and water quality sampling. Friends advocates for the park by preparing public comments on permitting issues, and promoting development ordinances compatible with the park's goals. Friends of Congaree Swamp writes grants to assist with educational projects (e.g., school field trips) and interpretive projects at the park (e.g., new trails).

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