The Celebrate Freedom Foundation (CFF) is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit corporation, nationally headquartered in West Columbia, SC. CFF has earned a twenty-six-year success record of producing imaginative, bold and one-of-a-kind academic and career awareness program, in multiple career clusters, that are focused statewide on Title 1 schools, at-risk and special needs students. CFF additionally provides workforce training for inner-city youth which leads to national certifications and technical career employment. The State Department of Education and SC Department of Commerce have documented the strong need for the CFF program to support the rapidly expanding STEM related careers in South Carolina.
Since this program is aligned with the State Education Standards, it reinforces classroom learning with exciting hands-on-instruction presented by industry experience subject matter experts. No other known education program takes actual operating aircraft, drones and training aids to schools along with FAA licensed instructors, other than Celebrate Freedom Foundation. The CFF approach makes it possible for the entire student body along with every teacher to participate.