
Kershaw County Amateur Radio Club, Inc.

About this Organization

The club has provided radio communications to enhance participant safety and response times for incidents for events such as the Tour de Camden, Sand Blast Rally and the equestrian event, the JD Endurance Ride. The club has participated in the scientific research regarding radio wave propagation in the period before, during and after the solar eclipse, in providing valuable data that is being studied by scientists around the world. The club has free training classes, hosts an American Radio Relay League Volunteer Examiner team that provides licensing test sessions 6 times a year, allowing folks a local option for obtaining their first FCC Amateur Radio license or upgrading their existing FCC Amateur Radio license. New amateurs and amateurs with new equipment have the opportunity to come to our club facility to make their first call or test out a new "rig" under the supervision of our "Elmers".

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