
Lynn Brown Inspires: Young CEO's and Leaders

About this Organization

Lynn Brown Inspires: Young CEO's and Leaders of Tomorrow is an Economic Empowerment organization with a focus on Entrepreneurship with an emphasis in Education and Leadership that strives to provide our very gifted, talented and intelligent young people with: 1. Opportunities 2. Resources 3. Exposure As a child growing up with my parents and 5 siblings in a poor neighborhood, we were given the opportunity for FREE community resources ,opportunities and a chance to be exposed to new ideas, and concepts and that is the reason for our success today. Me and my 5 siblings were able to attend and graduate from college have successful careers, become entrepreneurs and be a Blessing to the community because of the community FREE programs and support!! That is why it is so important to me that no child is turned away from being a part of this program because of finances. Therefore all my programs are at not cost to the members therefore we need the financial support of the community to make sure we can have sustainable and professional programs for the students. In-kind donations of products and services are also very much appreciated.

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