
School Ministries

About this Organization

IS RELEASED TIME BIBLE EDUCATION LEGAL? Yes! Settled Released Time principles both guard against government establishment of any one religion while allowing expression of our right to the "free exercise of religion" also protected by the 1st Amendment. Here are the basics that make Released Time legal: 1) Classes are held off school grounds, 2) Students' attendance must be voluntary, with written parental permission, and 3) No state resources (taxpayer funds) may be used. Released Time is funded privately - by churches, community organizations, and/or individuals. WHY SCHOOL MINISTRIES? School Ministries is the largest provider of Released Time Bible Education in the nation. We are uniquely positioned to help new programs start and support existing programs with tools, resources, encouragement, education, and equipping. IMPACT The impact is eternal! Statistics gathered have shown that approximately 25% of students in School Ministries programs choose to believe and follow Jesus. Teachers reach out to family members, too, resulting in many starting to fellowship at a local church. WHAT CAN HAPPEN IF YOU SUPPORT SCHOOL MINISTRIES Our 3:1 Vision for a Bold Future Strategic Plan lays out specific goals and tasks to "rapidly spread the message of the Lord" according to 2 Thessalonians 3:1, increasing the number of students reached to 250,000 new students per year and the number of programs to 250 by 2030. WHY THIS IS IMPORTANT There are over 50 million children attending public schools in America. Most of these students are not going to church and have not heard the Good News of Jesus, so we must go to them! Our strategic plan to start approximately 200 programs requires a staff person dedicated to this task, as well as other key positions. With the current influx of new program starts and requests for assistance, these positions are needed as soon as possible. "How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!" Romans 10:14-15

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