
The Period Project

About this Organization

Founded in 2015, TPP promotes menstrual equity in SC by distributing period products directly to schools and agencies assisting those in poverty. Our work addresses the essential, continuous, often neglected need for these products for menstruators, ~26% of the population. Research shows 1 in 3 low-income menstruators has missed school, work, and other activities due to lack of access to period supplies. TPP works to increase access to period supplies to those who need them. We know from our relationships with relief agencies and schools that their budgets, already stretched thin, cannot cover period products; these are also among the least often donated items. By adding period supplies to their inventory of basic services, we increase access and raise awareness of this often-overlooked need. Since 2015, TPP has distributed 12M+ period products to 250+ agencies and 1,000 schools in SC. Seven SC volunteer chapters support our efforts by organizing product drives and distributing supplies locally. We also rely on corporate donations, grant funding, and donors like you to ensure low-income menstruators have the supplies they need to maintain their health and dignity each month.

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