YVC is a national network of service-learning programs; YVC Columbia is an affiliate of the YVC network and adheres to the program standards established by YVC.
All service-learning completed with YVC addresses needs in at least one of our five focus areas:
-Compassionate Communities (helping to meet the basic needs of others)
-Healthy Lifestyles (working to improve the physical and mental wellbeing of others)
-Arts & Culture (working to promote and celebrate culture)
-STEM & Environment (working to learn and apply STEM skills for the good of others, or improve the environment)
-Education (working to help others learn, e.g. literacy projects with young children)
Volunteering with YVC helps youth see that they are part of a larger community, helps them understand that their actions have consequences that affect others, and empowers them with the knowledge that what they do matters. Beyond the tangible good achieved on each project, our service-learning model builds skills - both tangible skills like those required to repair a fence, and 21st century skills like teamwork, or the ability to adapt to changing circumstances.