We believe parents are the first advocates for their child, and to advocate for their child, they need access to information and resources so they can make informed decisions for their child. A child who is deaf or hard of hearing is like a flower, and to bloom, they need a gardener who can provide water, fertilizer, and sunlight, or in this case, access, resources, and a language-rich environment. Our goal is to equip parents to be the best gardeners for their own gardens.
We work with parents of children who are deaf or hard of hearing, Deaf and hard of hearing parents, and the professionals that work with these families, all across South Carolina.
These services involve 3 main types: direct to parent services, parent services in coordination with childcare centers, and direct to childcare center services supporting future parents of children with unidentified hearing loss.
Direct to Parent Services:
On-Call Coaching Hours
Parent Networking Events in Partnership with Hands and Voices
Language Building Services (0-5 focused)
Readily-Available Resource Library
Parent-Focused Workshops
Tutoring through College Partnerships (5-21)
Parent Education (0-3)
Attachment and Bio-behavioral Catch-Up (0-2)
Parent Services in coordination with childcare centers:
Loaner Library Services
Hearing Screening Follow Up/Support to diagnosis
Guidance for Navigating Childcare Centers for Deaf Parents who use ASL
Direct to Childcare Center Services Supporting Current and Future Parents:
Training and Technical Assistance for Childcare Providers
Hearing Screenings