In recognizing the importance of social interaction and companionship for our Aging Beauties, we created an agency that provides social engagement, volunteer opportunities and intergenerational programming for older adults. In doing so, we hope to enhance socialization, stimulate learning, increase emotional support and improve health.
Volunteer Coordination
Older adults get to be involved in the community as volunteers while other seniors who need volunteer services are linked with individuals (youth and young at heart) that help keep them actively involved where they reside.
Intergenerational Programming
Youth and older adults interact with each other and these programs are social vehicles that offer younger and older generations the opportunities to interact and become engaged in issues concerning our society. These programs purposefully bring together people of different generations in ongoing, mutually beneficial, planned activities, designed to achieve specified program goals.
Social Engagement
Volunteers provide seniors with a restored sense of dignity through personal attention and warm, caring approach allowing seniors to be involved in different activities.