
Cure Sanfilippo Foundation

About this Organization

Every child deserves the opportunity to LIVE, without suffering and pain. Sanfilippo Syndrome is a rapidly degenerative and fatal disease in young children caused by a genetic enzyme deficiency that leads to a progressive dementia. A child starts life typically, but usually by age 3 symptoms begin to appear. A child will lose their ability to talk, walk, and eat by mouth. They will likely suffer seizures and severe dementia before passing away, often in their teen years. It is a devastating disease. Today, no proven treatment or cure exists, but real HOPE is on the horizon. Breakthrough science has discovered treatment options which have proven in pre-clincial research models to slow or stop Sanfilippo. Cure Sanfilippo funds the most promising research to bring about more clinical trial options...a life line for these kids, before it is too late. We fund research that is helping unlock mysteries of the brain that could potentially bring insight into more common neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Every bit of support received during Midlands Gives brings more HOPE to these families and children, and we couldn't be more thankful for the support.

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