Fairfield County School District Education Foundation
About this Organization
"The Village in Winnsboro- A Community of Fairfield Educators" Initiative, is currently in the final stages of Phase 1 and building is on schedule to resume in Spring 2025. To complete phase 1 of this initiative, nine more homes will be built by Fall 2025. Currently, Fifteen of the twenty-five homes are rented to experienced teachers employed by Fairfield County School District and one home is rented by the College of Education at the University of South Carolina. The Pre-Service Home is available for USC senior interns who choose to participate in this national model where higher education is embedded into the community of educators.
Our Foundation believes that university students can greatly benefit from additional professional and emotional support while attempting to learn and master their teaching skills. The profession not only requires knowledge of subject matter, but it also requires skills in planning, classroom management, working effectively with parents, and providing social and emotional support for their students. Having university students in our community will also augment the school district's pipeline for recruiting new teachers.