
Homeless No More

About this Organization

Homeless No More (HNM) has been serving homeless families and children for 35 years . Our spectrum of care - emergency shelter (Family Shelter), transitional shelter (St. Lawrence Place), and affordable housing (Live Oak) keeps families together as they participate in a tailored program with comprehensive support services designed to support their unique needs. Our strategic plan deepens program components at Family Shelter (FS) and St. Lawrence Place (SLP), significantly expands affordable housing (adding 200 units in the next five years), and increases brand visibility/recognition for education and advocacy efforts. HNM remains the only shelter system in the State of South Carolina that allows the entire family, including fathers and boys over the age of 12, to remain together and provides a full continuum of services to those we serve. Through services such as case management, employment and education services, and referrals we address more than housing and focus on helping families achieve long-term economic sufficiency to break cycles of generational poverty.

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