Our first year, 2023, was a pilot project funded by Central Carolina Community Foundation. During that year, we wrote an original musical, "Lemonade", and presented it outdoors at Leo's Landing, an interactive playground at Saluda Shoals Park. After that production, we formed a partnership with Washington Street United Methodist Church where we utilize the church facilities and support staff.
Our opening production in Spring 2024 was in partnership and with special permission from the Mattie Stepanek Foundation (https://www.mattieonline.com) featuring performing and visual art works inspired by Stepanek's poems. Mattie Stepanek was an American poet who published seven best-selling books of poetry and peace essays. Before his death at the age of 13, he had become known as a peace advocate. Stepanek had a rare disorder, dysautonomic mitochondrial myopathy. His three older siblings died from the same illness. Featured many times on the Oprah Show, his hero was former President Jimmy Carter.
This season, we are presenting "Annie Kids" and this fall will present an original musical created by our students and families.