
Keep On Giving Foundation

About this Organization

The KOG Foundation's flagship program is a motivational speaking group called The Messengers. In 1993, a motivational speaking group was formed at South Carolina's youth correctional facility. This group traveled the state of South Carolina and spoke about making better choices, choosing positive friends, avoiding violence, and the power of communication. After being released from the youth correctional facility and forging new lives, former members of this speaking team have banded together again to join The Messengers. The Messengers share their stories with audiences nationwide. With youth, The Messengers encourage them to make positive choices, resist peer pressure, avoid violence, and value education and positive relationships. For their adult audiences, their message is to inspire and create motivation to get involved and make a difference through positive communication, restorative justice, and caring relationships. By providing this service, the program has a two-fold effect. Not only does the program impact audiences but it also provides opportunity for the Messengers to continue to share their lived experiences which gives them encouragement in their personal journeys.

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