
FBN Productions, Inc. Opera for Kids

About this Organization

FBN brings together young professional opera singers and the best operas written for the young audience in mind. Whether as a resource for the classroom teacher or as an opportunity to expand students' horizons, opera can be informative, entertaining, inspirational, and just plain fun. FBN's Touring Programs and Children's Opera Festival: FBN's touring programs have brought the joys of operatic storytelling to children of all ages. FBN's most recent productions of "The Three Little Pigs," "All According to Taste" (a new take on Goldilocks and the Three Bears), and "Hansel and Gretel and the Case of the Deep Dark Woods" were seen by thousands of young people in South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. In spring of 2024, FBN begins a new tradition - the Children's Opera Festival, which will educate and delight children from all over South Carolina. "The Red Song Bird",the newest offering by FBN, was commissioned in 2020, but was long delayed due to to the pandemic. Advocate for new children's operas: FBN has long been an advocate for new operas for children. We have premiered five new works, co-sponsored the creation of two and will be presenting "The Red Song Bird" as part of the 2024 festival. Co-Sponsorship of Carolina Opera Experience: June 2023, FBN once again was a co-sponsor with Opera at USC for the 12th annual Carolina Opera Experience. COE participants created the story and wrote the lyrics for their original operatic production entitled "bRainstorm," featuring music from operatic classics and original music by Dr. John Valerio. COE is a yearly program where students learn the art of props, make-up, costumes, scenery, and musical preparation in a week-long experience for 4th-10th graders. FBN provides technical support for Carolina Opera Experience. "

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