
Palmetto Cycling Coalition

About this Organization

Palmetto Cycling Coalition is the only state-wide organization in South Carolina that advocates to improve safety for those that bike and walk. We work through partnership and collaboration to improve education, street design, and enforcement. In 2004, we drafted and helped pass the Safe Routes to School Act, which added did many things, most notably required establishing a Safe Routes to School team in each SC school. In 2008, we updated SC's bike laws, and then distributed 4 bike safety educational video-PSA's with a grant from SC Department of Public Safety. From 2015 - now, we have been active in the state legislature, successfully passing e-bike legislation, and continuing to elevate safe biking and walking legislative opportunities. In 2021, we successfully concluded a coalition campaign for a SCDOT Complete Streets policy, which required growing a diverse coalition called the SC Livable Communities Alliance, including 25 mayors and dozens of state and local organizations. In 2012, 2017, and 2023, we hosted statewide Bike / Walk / Trail Summits to grow local movements. This coming year, we will lead growth of local bike/walk/trail movements with our Livable Streets Academy and the 2024 BikeWalkTrails Summit, and we will advance our legislative agenda with a statewide grassroots movement.

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