
Reach Out and Read South Carolina

About this Organization

Funds raised will support 41 active Reach Out and Read programs across the 11 Midlands' counties impacting over 32,000 low-income families annually. ROR's two generation approach helps move primary care to a more comprehensive approach to child and family health. Our 3-part intervention is a part of all well child visits for children up to 5 years of age at all clinic program locations: 1. The Conversation: During well-child visits, the doctor prescribes reading by modeling read aloud strategies while teaching and training the parent about how to share books and why it is important. Parents are engaged in the conversation as the provider offers anticipatory guidance and emphasizes how reading brings families together. 2. The Book: Each child is given a new, culturally and developmentally appropriate book to take home, building a collection of 10-15 new books in the home before the child goes to kindergarten. 3. Literacy-Rich Environment and Resources: Clinic environments support literacy-rich messaging and resources to families, supporting providers in community-health resources, and supporting parents in daily literacy activities with their children.

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