
SC Foundation for Educational Leadership

About this Organization

The South Carolina Foundation for Educational Leadership was formed to support the South Carolina Association of School Administrators' (SCASA) capital improvement and programmatic needs. The South Carolina Foundation for Educational Leadership supports the Center for Executive Education Leadership which provides comprehensive leadership preparation and development for current and aspiring school leaders, including Assistant Principals, Principals, and District Level Leaders. The comprehensive CEEL development model includes coordinated programming that incorporates rigorous leadership candidate screening, core content training in instructional leadership and school operations management principles, and formal mentoring and coaching supports to help develop school leaders through the first years of their tenure and beyond. A key aspect of CEEL programming is the composition of the partners in this effort: education leaders, private and public business partners, and other nonprofit organizations. Each year, the South Carolina Foundation for Educational Leadership hosts a gala to recognize distinguished South Carolina Public School Graduates who have excelled in their fields

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