
TyJasKey Academic Enrichment and Mentoring Center

About this Organization

TyJasKey is an organization with the goal of providing academic enrichment and sports programming to youth, ages 5-17. Our theme, "Where Fun is learning; and learning is fun," is indicative of our belief that learning should NEVER be boring. TyJasKey believes that literacy is essential to success in school, the workplace and in society, our chief goal is to promote a reading culture and help struggling youth to overcome challenges and achieve through literacy. TyJasKey 's objectives are to 1) support literacy enhancement by providing opportunities for children and youth to learn together, using teacher-recommended curricula; 2) assist elementary, middle and high school students in enhancing basic math, reading and information-finding skills through volunteer mentoring and tutoring over the summer to prevent or reduce loss of academic gains made during the school year; and 3) provide access to positive, social recreation and other youth activities during out-of-school time. TyJasKey will perform outreach services that include youth who might be at risk of DJJ involvement to help them choose paths leading to success now and in the future.

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